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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Magnetic body.cmap, to carry dark matter identified as ordinary particles characterized by non-standard value of Planck constant coming as integer multiple of ordinary Planck constant:h_eff=n×h making MB macroscopic quantum system carrying cyclotron Bose-Einstein condensates, excellent candidate for coding not only structure but also function of living system since in ZEO MB is 4-D field pattern so that maxima of Kaehler function correspond to preferred 4-D field patterns: "behaviors". meaning that braiding and recon- nection of magnetic flux tubes makes possible topological quantum computation and representaton of memories and tqc programs as 1-braids or 2-braids involving knotting of string world sheets in space-time, excellent candidate for coding not only structure but also function of living system since in ZEO MB is 4-D field pattern so that maxima of Kaehler function correspond to preferred 4-D field patterns: "behaviors". predicting that in ZEO the most probable 3-surfaces are pairs of them at opposite bound- aries of CD: means that most probable temporal patterns, behaviors are predicted. Folding of prote- ins, behaviour patterns, and morphogenesis are examples., tubular or sheet like space-time sheets carrying magnetic flux. Example is provided by the magnetic body of dipole field - such as Earth's magnetic field, central notion in TGD inspired quantum biology making living sys- tem a kind of Indra's web, phase transitions changing h_eff change the lengths of flux tubes providing a mechanism by which reacting molecules find each other in molecular soup, excellent candidate for coding not only structure but also function of living system since in ZEO MB is 4-D field pattern so that maxima of Kaehler function correspond to preferred 4-D field patterns: "behaviors". meaning that replication of 3-D magnetic body can serve as space- time template for ordinary replication of DNA, cell, and even larger structu- res, excellent candidate for coding not only structure but also function of living system since in ZEO MB is 4-D field pattern so that maxima of Kaehler function correspond to preferred 4-D field patterns: "behaviors". explaining EEG in terms of communications between biological body and MB, MAGNETIC BODY (MB) is excellent candidate for coding not only structure but also function of living system since in ZEO MB is 4-D field pattern so that maxima of Kaehler function correspond to preferred 4-D field patterns: "behaviors"., MAGNETIC BODY (MB) is outcome of topological quantization of classical fields associated with physical systems, topological quantization of classical fields associated with physical systems so that physical system has field identity: field body or magnetic body, monopole fluxes if the cross section of MB is closed 2- surface, which is impossible in Maxwell's theory, monopole fluxes if the cross section of MB is closed 2- surface, which is possible in TGD because CP_2 and space-time surfaces have nontrivial homology, physical system has field identity: field body or magnetic body having onion-like fractal structure and size much larger than that of the physi- cal system, conserved mag- netic fluxes which must be monopole fluxes if the cross section of MB is closed 2- surface, which, MAGNETIC BODY (MB) is assumed to carry dark matter identified as ordinary particles characterized by non-standard value of Planck constant coming as integer multiple of ordinary Planck constant:h_eff=n×h, MAGNETIC BODY (MB) is central notion in TGD inspired quantum biology, excellent candidate for coding not only structure but also function of living system since in ZEO MB is 4-D field pattern so that maxima of Kaehler function correspond to preferred 4-D field patterns: "behaviors". meaning that phase transitions changing h_eff change the lengths of flux tubes, MAGNETIC BODY (MB) consists of flux quanta such as flux tubes and sheets, flux quanta such as flux tubes and sheets carrying conserved mag- netic fluxes